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Cherian Design
Cherian Design
Booth: 352
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Cherian Design is a one-woman fabric art enterprise. Fabric artist, Leela Cherian creates vibrant one of a kind art pieces that exploit the potential of her chosen medium. Her work uses a wide...
Noah's Ark
Cherian Design is a one-woman fabric art enterprise. Fabric artist, Leela Cherian creates vibrant one of a kind art pieces that exploit the potential of her chosen medium. Her work uses a wide...
Amber Morning
Cherian Design is a one-woman fabric art enterprise. Fabric artist, Leela Cherian creates vibrant one of a kind art pieces that exploit the potential of her chosen medium. Her work uses a wide...
About the Company:
Cherian Design is a one-woman fabric art enterprise. Fabric artist, Leela Cherian creates vibrant one of a kind art pieces that exploit the potential of her chosen medium. Her work uses a wide range of fabrics–hand dyed cottons, silks, velvets, etc. that are embellished with embroidery and other... (more)
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