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2016 NY NOW Winter EAC Form

Contractor Information

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Exhibitors using an installation and dismantling contractor (I&D), and/or an exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC) other than FREEMAN to set-up or teardown their exhibit must complete this form by January 5, 2016. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to make sure that all independent contractors are properly badged prior to arrival. Exhibitors must also turn in original certificates of insurance to NY NOW and FREEMAN prior to the show. The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and FREEMAN must be named as additionally insured by all contractors working in the hall.

The EAC/contractor must be licensed, insured and authorized to work in the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Contractors must adhere to all rules and regulations of NY NOW, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and the local unions. This includes keeping "no freight aisles" clear, clearing empty crates off the show floor, and being properly badged. The clean floor policy will be strictly enforced and fees may apply.

All contracted personnel must check in at Exhibitor Registration prior to admission to the exhibit floor.
Personnel must have proof of company affiliation and a photo I.D.

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• If exhibitors wish to use an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC), the following rules and regulations must be adhered to by the exhibitor and the EAC. THESE RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. The exhibitor must complete the online exhibitor appointed contractor form. Completion of this form qualifies as acceptance that the EAC will abide by all rules and regulations, especially those as contained herein for EAC.
• The EAC shall refrain from placing an undue burden on the official service contractors by interfering, in any way, with the official contractor’s work.
• The EAC will not solicit business at the event and must wear badges at all times.
• If the EAC, in any way, disrupts the orderly conduct of business by any of the official contractors, or impairs the smooth installation and dismantling of the event, the EAC will immediately cease such disruption or be removed from the event site. Show management will have the final decision in such instances.
• The EAC who provides installation and dismantling services will be sent the proper information from show management upon receipt of request by the authorizing exhibitor.
• Show management will give authorization to the EAC to provide installation and dismantling services to the exhibiting firm upon receipt of:

-Certificate of insurance for workers’ compensation and employers’ liability, comprehensive general liability and automobile liability insurance.
-The workers’ compensation and employers’ liability insurance must provide a minimum limit of (recommended $500,000 USD) and meet the requirements established by the state in which the event is being held.
- Comprehensive general liability coverage must provide at least (recommended $1 million USD per occurrence /$2 million USD general aggregate) in coverage and shall name show management, the sponsoring associations, the event owners, the official contractor and the facility as additional insured.
- Automobile liability should include all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with limits of (recommended $500,000 USD) bodily injury and (recommended $500,000 USD) property damage liability. Show management must receive the certificate of insurance no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of installation..

• In performing work for their clients, the EAC shall cooperate fully with the official contractors and shall comply with existing labor regulations or contracts as determined by the commitments made and obligations assumed by show management in any contracts with the official contractors.
• Failure to comply with these regulations will result in refusal or loss of authorization to perform services and immediate removal from the event site.
• Services ordered on behalf of exhibitors by EAC’s or other third parties must be so authorized in writing by the exhibitor. Payment for all services will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
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