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2013 Interbike EAC Form
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Contractor Information

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Exhibitors using an installation and dismantling contractor (I&D), and/or an exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC) other than GES to set-up or tear down their exhibit must complete and return this form by August 28, 2013. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to make sure that all independent contractors are properly badged prior to arrival. Exhibitors must also turn in original certificates of insurance to Interbike and GES prior to the show. The Mandalay Bay and GES must be named as additionally insured by all contractors working in the hall.

The EAC/contractor must be licensed, insured and authorized to work in The Mandalay Bay. Contractors must adhere to all rules and regulations of Interbike, The Mandalay Bay and the local unions. This includes keeping "no freight aisles" clear, clearing empty crates off the show floor, and being properly badged. The clean floor policy will be strictly enforced and fees may apply.

All contracted personnel must check in at Exhibitor Registration prior to admission to the exhibit floor.
Personnel must have proof of company affiliation and a photo I.D.

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